搜索 G

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    法国1979年威里安.波罗克兹克(《野兽》《传说》《爱欲之岛》)执导的R级情色作品,是《传说》的续篇,分三个章节讲述了不同时期的三位违背伦理的女性。 第一个故事是在14-16世纪意大利文艺复兴时期画家和模特之间发生的禁断之爱;第二个是只深爱着兔子的14岁女孩,因父母夺走了她心爱的宝贝而用刀来杀害自己的亲生父母;第三个故事是已为人妻的玛丽竟然在光天化日之下被一个蒙面男人诱拐,因此遭遇了非常离奇的命运。 
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    Wannabe actress So-ra always fails in auditions and she doesn't think it's her acting that's failing her, but she's just unlucky and that there's something wrong with the directors. One day on the way back from a disappointing audition, she meets Seung-hyeon, a guy she used to act with. He invites her to the site where he is filming a movie and she is surprised by his acting skills. Coincidentally, So-ra gets to fill in for an actress who didn't show up and the filming becomes a disaster because of her acting...
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