搜索 Abel

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    <p>Villa Amalia 安(伊莎贝尔于佩尔饰)是位人到中年、生性孤僻的钢琴家,她一向自诩为豪情的驾驭者,直到一天深夜她看见爱人托马斯(泽维尔伯沃斯饰)搂着另一个女性。所以她决议完全埋葬从前的个人,开端新生活。在幼年故交乔治(让 雨果安格拉德饰)的协助下,她销毁了身份证明,冻结了银行存款,将个人悉数著作的CD和曲谱付之一炬,来到了意大利那不勒斯的一座小镇,住进了阿玛利亚别墅。但是,这个好地方也相同不能革除苦恼,安卷入了和一个年青女子吉拉的纠葛之中,她担任照看的孩子俄然窒息而亡,男友骤亡的乔治也来到这里,向她倾诉个人对生命的感伤......   </p>
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    1977年法国导演贾斯特·杰克金(Just Jaeckin)执导的名留色情影史的另一部钜片,前一部是《O娘的故事》。根据上个世纪六七十年代法国最臭名昭著的高级淫媒克洛德夫人的真实故事改编。叙述高级淫媒克洛德夫人旗下的名妓们,除了皮肉生涯外,还要饱受摄影师大为敲诈有她们各种姿势的咸湿照片的威胁
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      A chance meeting in a bar one night and love in a hotel room all changed in the life of Martin Blake. Charming blonde , mastered his feelings , does not come to the next meeting and getting to make this erotic obsession .   He hires a private detective and discovers that his new friend is not a professional prostitute and is unlikely to include its intention to continue dating . Disappointed Martin returns to Los Angeles .   Soon he meets Georgina , wife of his new boss and a replica of the object of his passion. Before Martin learns the truth , he would be drawn into the dense web of intrigue , deception , fraud and murder ...
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