搜索 Garci

  • 伦理片
  • 伦理片
    Philippe wants to move. After having visited several apartments, he ends up finding what he is looking for. But the attractive Blandine is also interested in accommodation. She then uses her charms to accept a collocation.
  • 伦理片
    Musician Gabriel and dimpled dry-cleaning proprietress Gabriela live like two strangers who no longer see each other. But in humorous contrast to their staid, passionless lives, characters in a constant state of sexual arousal surround them. Their libidinous teen son, whose hilarious voiceover commentary intermittently provides important narrative information, prides himself on being the high school stud and aspires to a career in porn. Gabriela's sexy employee switches boyfriends the way she changes clothes. And despite being married, Gabriel's colleague is working his way through the female members of their orchestra. Ultimately, the two Gabys find their virtual affairs reconnect them with their own desires, but in a way less movie-fantasy and more satisfyingly real-life.
  • 伦理片
    就读某艺术名校美术系的女孩荷西,一直很喜欢班上个性腼腆却才华横溢的同学马克,而马克和另个同学杰米一起住宿舍里。有天,荷西接受马克的邀约,随他到了宿舍,却就在两人宽衣解带之际,杰米竟突然回来了,三人于是发生了超越世俗规范的性爱关系…… 同时和两个男孩上床后,荷西感到羞愧之际,却直觉这可能是场预谋:先由腼腆的马克出面当诱饵,慧黠的杰米再加入战局、坐收渔利…。但当荷西与他们深入交往后,马克的才华与杰米的野心,却都让她相当激赏,三人于是开始同居在一起。但让荷西困惑的是,他们三人虽然经常一起做爱,马克却从没和她单独做,而总爱看她和杰米做,并进而达到高潮…,让她对他们之间的关系产生怀疑…… 荷西母亲的生日快到了,她要荷西带男友回家为她庆生。这虽让荷西有些苦恼,但她最后仍决定邀请马克和杰米一起参加…。荷西母亲会发现他们三人不寻常的「同窗爱」吗?他们奇特的「同床爱」又能持续下去吗?而马克和杰米之间,又真藏有什么秘密吗?一场湿透油彩画作的狂情爱欲即将登场…… 影片改编自曾获“西班牙情色文学奖”的情色小说,艺术名校的三名优异学子,因为同时钻研绘画艺术,朝夕相处下,竟意外发展出一场难分难舍的三人情欲。