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  • 动漫
    <p>该剧讲述了 Fry,一位20世纪的年轻人在30世纪的冒险经历。Phillip Fry是一个纽约市的25岁的比萨饼快递员,他的生活就是每天四处奔波,1999年12月21日他偶然的被冰冻了起来, 当他醒过...</p>
  • 动漫
    <p>Sofia, is a little girl with a commoner&#39;s background until her mom marries the King and suddenly she...</p>
  • 动漫
    <p>From Matt Groening, the creator of The Simpsons, comes Disenchantment - an adult animated comedy fan...</p>
  • 动漫
    <p>While delivering pizza on New Year&#39;s Eve 1999, Philip J. Fry is accidentally cryonically frozen and ...</p>