搜索 Elodie

  • 伦理片
    Salomé is 69-year-old and doesn't want to grow old in a society that pays little attention to elderly people; thus, she has organized her disappearance. She plans her last evening in detail, as she thinks about the last time she will have sexual intercourse. With the held of Sandra, a filmmaker, Salomé organizes a casting to choose the person with whom she will make love for th...
  • 爱情片
    <p>苔丝(娜塔莎·金斯基 Nastassja Kinski 饰)出生于英国乡村的一个小农家庭,一天她的父亲听说自家是古老贵族德伯维尔的后裔。这个传闻,让苔丝的一生发生了剧变。因为有一个姓德伯维尔的有钱人家就住在不远,父母让苔丝前去攀亲。 苔丝的美貌让德伯维尔家的少爷阿雷克(利·劳森 Leigh Lawson 饰)心生邪念,他夺走了苔丝的贞洁,让苔丝怀上了孩子,然而孩子却在出生后不久就夭折了。在德伯维尔家的这段悲惨经历,让苔丝失去了当时社会最看重的贞操,当她在牛奶厂遇上安吉尔(彼得·弗斯 Peter Firth饰),以为安吉尔是她的终生伴侣时,却在新婚一夜因为告知安吉尔自己的过往而遭到抛弃。对爱情对生活已经绝望的苔丝,此时又遇上了家庭的变故。面对阿雷克的再次追求,苔丝别无选择。然而,苔丝的命运仍然急泻直下……</p>